Thoughts become things, and we use the analogy of BOB playing Whack-a-Mole with our thoughts. A thought pops up and BOB whacks it with “YES.” That’s how the Universe works. BOB is the Force. It is an infinite intelligent power—a being, but not a person. It is the Being of Bliss. Mind, Power, and Substance are Its main elements and It expresses through each of us for entertainment. There’s more to it, of course, get the whole story at
How to Stay Poor
Money is another area where we get a lot of whacks from BOB, and they are well deserved.
After a session of affirmations, and visualizations of a lifestyle of unlimited abundance, it’s off to the grocery where we buy what’s on sale and complain about the price of gas.
Of course, there’s nothing wrong with buying on sale, but your test of consciousness is whether or not you’d buy it if it were full price. If you’re shopping for something and find it on sale, it’s a nice surprise. If you see a reduced price and buy the item because it’s on sale, your prosperity thinking might need work.
Also, don’t you just love yard sales? Everything’s on sale. How do you approach them? Do you go with the idea of getting what you want as cheaply as you can and haggling for the last penny, or do you anticipate a nice surprise of finding something you never knew you wanted? When you focus on the prize instead of the price, your thinking is prosperous, and you gain new levels of pleasure from the adventure. You can still haggle if you want, but for the fun of the game, not out of lack.
We have a society that promotes poverty as a virtue. Robin Hood is a hero because he stole from the rich and gave to the poor. Churches idolize poverty as they collect for their treasure troves. We call the wealthy “lucky” and those with less “unfortunate,” as if their own efforts or consciousness has nothing to do with their financial state.
Movies portray anybody of great wealth as the bad guy, and in those films the poor kid from the other side of the tracks always gets the girl. The poor person is always “hard-working.” The wealthy get “unearned income” and nobody ever wants to tax the poor.
As the saying goes, “It’s no shame to be poor, but it’s no great honor either.”
What can you do to counter the daily tsunami of poverty adulation? The first step is to purge your mind of any idea that there’s something wrong or immoral about being rich. Think of the wealthy as inspiring rather than conniving. Oh sure there are rich scoundrels just as there are poor ones, but because one crook is rich it doesn’t mean that all rich people are thieves.
The next point is to remember we’re all made out of the stuff of BOB, and nobody is more or less worthy than anybody else. Your thoughts create your world, no matter what you think. The same goes for everybody else.
We live in an infinitely abundant universe and you’re entitled to as much as you can accept.
The river doesn’t care if you come for water with a thimble, a bucket, or a tank truck.
If you really believe you’re poor, your thoughts are your thimble. If, without unconscious doubts, you know you rate vast wealth, your mind is your tank truck. Most of us are in the bucket class.
It’s up to each of us to police our mind and rid it of thoughts of poverty and lack. Here are some of the common expressions we use that can get in the way of our prosperity consciousness: Of course “I can’t afford it” is popular, especially when you really mean “I have higher priorities for my money.”
Do you see wealthy people as “filthy rich?” Unless you’re into filth, you might want to start viewing them as “wonderfully abundant.” What about them paying their “fair share”? What’s “fair?” The answer is usually, “More for me.” Notice that people who want others to pay a “fair share” generally want to be on the receiving end.
And what about that awful phrase “hard-earned money.” Remember, BOB is right there with the “YES” for when you think or say “hard-earned.”
Why can’t “easy money” be just as virtuous?
Look: BOB doesn’t care if you’re rich or poor. It gets Its entertainment expressing through you no matter what drama you create for yourself. BOB just says “Yes” to whatever you think or say. Your life right now is the culmination of your past thinking. Keep thinking the same way and you’ll keep getting the same thing.
Some people say this is unrealistic. On the contrary, it’s completely realistic in the Mind of BOB. The problem is our belief that “reality” is limited to the physical. Did you ever notice when people say, “Be realistic,” they’re usually saying, “Be negative?”
When thoughts or words of limitation come to the fore, be positive:
Just say, “No.”
There’s more to it, of course, get the whole story at