Raven Gonzalez (Cara Lyra Luna), Las Vegas, Nevada
Clear and Revive | Spiritual & Coaching Services
“You DESERVE to Be Here”
Raven Gonzalez (Cara Lyra Luna) is a Las Vegas native and still resides there to this day. She is the daughter of the first Black State Park Ranger of Nevada and has a passion and soul mission to help bring hearts together. Thanks to Natalie and Joeel Rivera, she decided to push even deeper into the mental health sector and continue her education. She is a Mental Health Ambassador for Holbeck College (UK) and is currently working towards a Doctorate in Counseling. She’s the proud business owner of Black, Grey, & Bohemian – a wellness post for self and home care and Clear and Revive | Spiritual & Coaching Services. Connect with Cara at www.blackgreybohemian.com
What is your niche (coaching focus)?
Honestly, I never came into this with a specific niche in mind. As I progressed through my studies and started to refine my skills, when the time came to finally choose a niche, I didn’t see a category that I was comfortable with placing myself in. So I stepped back and looked at everything I had taken, what I was studying, and looked for the common thread between them all. It was all mental health and wellness and self care based. I looked at titles of some of my favorite most impactful courses, and landed on Transformational Neuro-Coaching.
Who is your ideal client?
I don’t like using the word client in my private practices, so I will be referring to them as I call them, Heartbeats. My ideal Heartbeats are those who are currently on their journey of self discovery and realize that they are needing to recode and rewire not only their mentality, but their hearts and souls as well. I work with those who are more than aware that they are needing a serious change and refresh in their world, but just don’t have the tools, know how, or support to get them to that higher space in their life. My ideal Heartbeat are those who are excited to enhance their journeys and do something different.
What inspired you to become a life coach?
The Heartbeats and myself. After being laid off during the pandemic, I began doing fun lives on FB with friends where we would just talk out our problems, listen to seminars and discuss, and just grow. The lives were public and our attendance was growing. I realized in that moment that I had created a space where people can come, see that they’re not alone, and get guidance, and that I enjoyed being that for them! I didn’t want to misspeak or lead anyone wrong and had made a decision to develop my tool box. After going through a LIFE CHANGING season of my own, I never gave up my word. Even in my darkest hour. I vowed I would return and be of service to those in need, and that’s exactly what I did. Officially, I was my very first Heartbeat, everything I do I first practiced on myself. My testimony and The Heartbeats inspire me to keep pushing through – just to see what tomorrow might bring.
How long have you been coaching?
Unofficially since 2020. I took all of 2021 to develop and become a certified coach and returned back to the scene just before Summer of 2022.
How did you get your first client?
My first official coaching session came from a recommendation! Someone had reached out to me stating that it was a fellow Heartbeat that had sent them my way. A lot of my Heartbeat sessions are recommendations from those who have already worked with me 1:1 or was apart of my lives back in 2020.
How has your coaching journey changed your life?
I can speak on this for hours, but the easiest thing for me to say here is that it has DEFINITELY changed my life for the better. Two major things for me: One being that coaching has taught me to move out of my own way and has given me a new form of confidence to walk through doors that were already opened for me and to boldly knock on the ones that were closed. The second major for me is the people I’ve met. From Heartbeats to strong networks and associates, stepping into this coaching space and being LOUD about it has put me in spaces that I never even dreamed of before. It’s been amazing, a blessing, and an adventure I am LIVING and HERE for!
What is the most challenging part of being a life coach?
The breaking points. While working with Heartbeats it can sometimes be extremely challenging to sit in their space and work through old systems and beliefs, because we have to understand that we are assisting them with rewriting habits and behaviors that they’ve had for a long time, sometimes their entire lives! That’s a very scary and real thing for them to come to terms with on their own and sometimes it’s hard because you can tell it really hurts them to let go of some things that are no longer serving them, but they hold on because it’s familiar. But I will say this, when they DO finally have their “Ah-Ha!” moment and breakthrough, just as much as it was challenging, it is absolutely REWARDING!
What is the most fulfilling part of being a life coach?
The updates. I absolutely LOVE working with a Heartbeat to the end, sending them back out into this wild world and getting random emails from those who come back and tell me how much our session(s) have helped them navigate this world a little easier and how much happier they are. And every single time I remind them “it was YOU that did this for YOU. I’m just grateful that you allowed me to be apart of your growing period.”
What has been your most inspirational coaching moment, with a client?
I can’t choose just one. Every single Heartbeat has inspired me in their own special way, because even though the theme of the coaching is the same across the board, each individual journey is so unique and special. And I always learn something and add it to my toolbox.
What is your favorite coaching activity or exercise to do with clients?
Too many, but if I really have to choose I think it would be rewriting the story. That’s so powerful and freeing for my base. So many have lived in a story that was forced on them and to see them being able to find their own voice and WRITE THEIR STORY is just… indescribable. I also love to do deep breathing and meditation exercises, the “WHY” game, and breaking apart and rebuilding the BS Table.
What has been the most effective strategy for finding clients and/or growing your business?
I do have a marketing plan in place, I haven’t had the opportunity to attempt it yet because so far everyone has been referred to me, but what I have been extremely consistent with is being: Authentic, Transparent, and Human. Just because I’m the “coach” doesn’t mean I’m not a student or living on this same planet at the same time, and I feel like that really let’s people know that they can let their hair down with me and not feel so pressured about doing the work.
What advise would you give YOURSELF back when you first dreamed of becoming a coach?
I like to feel like everything happened when it was supposed to happen and the way it happened. I don’t really have much advise to how I brought myself to this point in my coaching career, but on a personal level it would be to self-care more. The books can wait a day or two, the lectures can wait, the studies can wait; take a break. You are working so hard and deserve to take a break and not feel guilty about it.
What is the impact you want to make in this world?
An impactful reminder that we’re all human. That we can love and respectfully have our own beliefs, differences, and opinions so long as we’re not maliciously harming each other. We need to listen more, judge less, and understand that we’re human with a uniqueness that is worthy of being shared and not erased, criticized, changed, or destroyed.
Is there anything else you would like to share with Transformation Coaching Magazine readers?
“My best advice to upcoming coaches is you know who you are. You know what you’ve experienced and have conquered in this lifetime, if you didn’t you wouldn’t have chosen this path. Your base is coming to you because there is value in your testimony. Share it. Speak confidently and boldly on it. Speak authentically and unapologetically – professionally of course. You have an insight to life that many others don’t and we want to hear it. So find your voice and be the next rising star!”