How to let go of limiting belief systems.
By Spencer Rouse
The current energy around the world is chaotic and building in intensity. It can feel disorienting and challenging, but the disruption is a clarion call to wake up to who we are at our deeper, wiser soul level—and to break free from the limiting belief systems we have formed, consciously and unconsciously, to buffer us from the vagaries of life on Earth.
The patterns we develop during our lives are usually limited, at best. They can lead us to separation from those we deem “not like us.” They can lead to judgment of ourselves when we are not called to act within the bounds of perceived rules of right and wrong. Belief systems can lead us away from expressing creativity from the soul and reaching out for higher and more exciting experiences. When so many millions of people are bound by restrictions of expression, breaking free takes a significant upheaval to acknowledge the truth within our souls: There is no “us” and “them.” We are one. We are fingers of a hand. We are individual rays of light from the same Source.
Belief systems, usually partial truths, help us move through our daily lives with less effort. Although they may sound suitable to our conscious minds, these guidelines typically do not consistently produce the results we hope for. When this happens, we can blame or shame ourselves or others for falling short.
We are being called to go deeper, explore who we are, and see these beliefs for what they are: a way of dampening down our temporary earthbound consciousness. While the original purpose may be safety here on the planet, fear of the unknown can quickly build a wall between the human self and the actual, eternal Self. It limits our thoughts, actions and understanding. It slows our growth. It can make us feel less capable than we are. We become vulnerable to power structures that want to control us.
Fears are created when the ego attempts to protect the human self and keep us in the status quo—without danger, exploration or growth. We assimilate and categorize our experiences into patterns of belief we accept as “truth.” This “truth” then becomes our comfort zone. These belief systems can be conscious or unconscious, making it more challenging to understand what motivates us.
The problem is that when these beliefs guide our actions to create results we do not want, we often blame something outside ourselves because our sometimes misguided “truth” may not allow for our misinterpretation of the situation. When we follow our belief patterns and the results are not optimum, we delve into the details of what went wrong.
If you pay too much attention to a problem, disappointment, frustration or worse, it can stimulate the expansion of the negative. Instead, focus attention to the bigger issue to unemotionally discern the details. Then, change your focus to potential solutions with uplifting energy.
You will feel the difference as soon as it kicks in! It feels lighter because it is. There is more space between the molecules. There is room for the “Light” to shine through. Light, in this instance, will enter in the form of inspiration. When you relax your mind, it allows for even more sparks of inspiration to enter. As you gently hold your focus on the positive, your internal guidance system will kick in. It is subtle. It can be hidden beneath the clamor and clutter of the noisy world around you.
Breathe, quiet your mind, then gently focus on the higher, lighter feeling. Let your conscious mind rest. Don’t let it attempt to find solutions. Instead, ask for solutions without specifying details. Allow time for them to arrive. It will likely happen spontaneously and often after you have moved on to another topic. Perhaps suggestions will be in your mind when you wake up the next day after you rest. This is one way to bypass belief system programming. It takes you straight to the deeper, wiser, eternal you.
It may feel like flying without a net until you become accustomed to the process. As you continue to allow inspiration into your consciousness, you will feel the gentle guidance leading you to solutions for everything in life—grander solutions with details that work together like perfectly fitting pieces of a puzzle. Your decisions will become wiser, and your thoughts will be more inspired. You will resonate with the opening channel to the wiser eternal you. You will begin to savor a deep inner peace as you harmonize with your infinite self. The conscious mind will adapt as the old belief systems drop away. You will automatically become a powerful, efficient beacon of light shining harmony into the chaos and elevating the earthly experience for all!
Spencer Rouse has been a professional psychic and intuitive reader, energy healer, life coach, and lecture/workshop facilitator for more than 20 years, working one-on-one in counseling sessions, in groups, and at psychic
fairs and other events. She works primarily through the gifts of claircognizance—an inner knowing—and clairsentience—the ability to sense information through feelings and emotions. Spencer also connects with the different layers of the human energy field (the aura) using color and sound to help balance and invigorate life force energy. Visit her online at or email