Transformation Academy
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Rising Star Coach April 2023: Nasheer Mohammad

Rising Star Nasheer Mohammad, Gujarat, India Transformation Life Coach Believe and achieve When I was 15 years old, I had health issues, and, unknowingly, I self-sabotaged. I fought with negative thoughts daily for couple of years. With limiting beliefs, I…

Rising Star Coach March 2023: Kevin Laylor

Kevin Laylor, Maryland, USA The Life Coach CEO Thrive By Serving Others I consider myself a visionary and servant leader who always had a burning question. Why are so many people in pain today, and what can I do to…

The Power of Support

By Terez Hartmann Multiply productivity, wellness, abundance and life expectancy—Here’s how! Familiar Scenarios: I started my new year all fired up and ready to take on the world, but then… I seem to get to a certain point where I’m…

Life After Life

By Lisa Cedrone Lessons about the meaning of life, love and the true nature of reality from a near death experience. A few years back I had the opportunity to receive a final message from one of my mentors and…

You Are an Infinite Being

By Mark Pitstick, MA, DC Scientific, clinical and firsthand evidence that no one really dies. Collective evidence by many respected scientists, physicians, psychologists and university professors now clearly indicates that bodily death is not the end of life. Life is…

Love to Learn

By Darrel L. Hammon Lifelong learning is truly an art form. “Yes, I’m done with school,” said a young bridegroom to me when I asked him about his educational status and future. My response was spontaneous and swift: “Well, now…

Rising Star Coach February 2023: Stephanie McPhail

Being Loved Shouldn’t Hurt Toxic Relationship Recovery Expert, helping professional women heal and thrive so they can create and attract healthy relationships. Stephanie McPhail is a Toxic Relationship/Breakthrough Coach and the author of the book and workbook Being Loved Shouldn’t…

Practicing Self-Love

By Arielle Giordano “You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.”—Buddha In 1956, psychologist and social philosopher Erich Fromm proposed that loving oneself is different from being arrogant, conceited or egocentric. Loving oneself…

How to Stay Positive

By Emil Nazaryan Practicing forgiveness, along with compassion and love, will fortify your positivity and inner peace. It’s a glorious morning! You wake up to singing birds, a ray of sunshine resting on your face. You treat yourself to a…

Allowing VALENTINE Success!

By Terez Hartmann LOVE is always in season Ah, cupid is on the move and love is in the air, but no matter the reason or the season, ANY time is a great time to feel and express love! The…