By Ashar Mohammed Why is it that some network marketers can entice people to join their multilevel marketing (MLM) opportunity without meeting them face-to-face and others battle the online recruiting process? Is it luck? Is it magic? No my friend!…
Live Your Passion and Change the World
By Linda Commito “Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” —Howard Thurman What is it that enlivens you, that you…
Cooking on Faith
By Rachael J Avery The Story of a Culinary Spiritual Awakening Ten years ago I awakened to a personal transformation tool that completely sculpted my life. In 2008 I was 60 pounds overweight, had a negative bank account, a foreclosure…
Freedom or Bust! The True Story of the American Dream
By Natalie Rivera The American Dream is about the American Spirit—it’s about the dominion of choice. I apologize in advance if this offends you. Nevermind, I hope it pisses you off and makes you want to stop squandering your potential.…
You Deserve to Say No
By Noelle Sterne The more you honor yourself and practice taking your stand for No and what is right for you, the easier it will become. Do you feel you can’t refuse the requests or plans of friends or groups?…
From Stuck To Transformed: A Worldwide Journey of Self-Discovery
By Russell Heath Let me tell you the story of my own stuckness. It starts in Tel Aviv, which, in 1980 when I was there, was a dysenteric’s paradise: It had public restrooms on every other block—the limit of my…
Finding Purpose in Death
By Joeel Rivera The pain and hurt in life are not there to hold you back; they are there to inspire your greatness. We all have loved ones that come into our lives to help us grow, and sometimes when…
Take Your Life Back!
By Rena Greenberg With conscious awareness and intention you can set a new, more positive course for your life that will create a beautiful future and, at the same time, heal your past. Einstein’s famous definition of insanity is, “Doing…
3 Simple Steps to Set Yourself Free
By Rev. Marla Sanderson It’s time to let go of behaviors and expectations that set you up for unhappiness. I used to be a quitter. If any small thing got in my way, I simply gave up. Was it fear?…
Every Minute Matters
By Mary Boutieller As I sit here listening to the wind blowing outside, I find myself filled with easy gratitude —for the breeze, for the plants and trees just outside my door, for friends, my husband and family, for the…