Transformation Academy
412 Articles0 Comments

Gratitude: A Universal Truth

Gratitude is a UNIVERSAL truth shared by belief systems and religions around the world. There must be something to it! Find out how gratitude can transform your life. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel!

FREE YOURSELF! No More Limitations, Expand Your Boundaries

It’s time to free yourself from self-imposed limitations! Regardless of what mental boundaries you set for yourself, whether it’s a certain distance from home you’re willing to drive or certain activities you tell yourself you can’t do, all of these…

Personal Numerology for 2018

By Marcia Bender I am going to use Numerology to show you how to look at the personal year vibrations for yourself and loved ones for the coming New Year. Numerology is a combination of the Sciences of Astrology and…

Listening to the Voice Within

by Karen Castle Are you open to receiving inner guidance when the time comes to take action and change your life? Does this process excite you or does it result in trepidation because you are taking a risk? Our trajectory…

Roll With It

By Ann Darwicki, RN, CPC   On a recent trip to visit my son, I came out of the mall on a hot, stormy night to find my car had a flat tire. Fortunately, my son and daughter-in-law were with…

From Stuck to Transformed: a Worldwide Journey of Self-Discovery

By Russell Heath Let me tell you the story of my own stuckness. It starts in Tel Aviv, which, in 1980 when I was there, was a dysenteric’s paradise: It had public restrooms on every other block—the limit of my…

Letting Go of the Daily Grind

By Alexander Dolin I have felt the daily grind and stress from having a job I loathed. For almost three years, I worked for a large freight corporation. As a dockworker, I had the responsibility of loading and unloading semi-trailers,…

Put Some Adventure into Your Life

By Scott Masciarelli Over the years I have worked with many people yearning to put some adventure into their lives. Each was different; however, they shared common themes of desiring excitement, looking to increase energy, and wanting to refresh. They…

The Power of Intention

By Elliott Eli Jackson What is Intention? Let’s look at the word (a determination to act in a certain way, to design, or an objective). It is further stated that intention is everything in regard to acquiring a desired outcome.…

When is a Good Time to Be Happy?

by Ann Darwicki, RN, CPC I was barely out of dreamland, and my first conscious thought was reminding me to transfer money so my husband could get gas on his way to work. (Needless to say, thoughts like this rarely…