By Kandy Magotti I’ll never forget the day my brother died. Like a time machine, it’s as if my memory transports me right back to that moment in the hospital room with my mother, father, husband, me, and my lifeless…
Outgrowing My Oppression
By Victoria Hawkins Have you ever had the experience of observing another person, thinking, “That used to be me!” It is a knowing that the very vibration of what you are seeing matches an old way for you. I had…
Cancer: Crash Course into the Journey of Discovering Who I Am
By James Harrigan, CPC I believe our minds are more powerful than we allow. We hear it all the time, but do we really take the time to actually ponder what we attract into our daily lives, actions, relationships,…
Who Are You Anyway?
By Sienna Tarniella “Be yourself.” It’s almost a cliché. How many of us have found ourselves in a new situation—a new relationship, a new job—and some well-intentioned person in our life says, “Just be yourself.” And how many of us…
A Conversation with Myself
By Artricia James-Heard Hello, It’s been a long time since we’ve spent some time together. I have missed you, and now that you are here I have so much to tell you, but I know we will not get to…
Enhance Your Relationships FAST Using the 80/20 Principle
By Matthew Maynard It is natural for human beings to progress in life. We instinctually want to see results and, often times, when we don’t see any we become easily discouraged. Nowhere is this more evident than in romantic relationships,…
A Conversation Between Masters with Dr. Wayne Dyer and Esther Hicks
By Dr. Wayne Dyer and Ester (Abraham) Hicks Editor’s note: The following excerpt is taken from Co-Creating at Its Best: A Conversation Between Master Teachers with Dr. Wayne Dyer and Esther Hicks. This book is based on the Hay House…
The Positive Side of Negativity
By Vikash Kumar There never seems to be an end to the amount of advice we receive about the advantages of “always being positive.” There are endless articles and discussions on this subject matter, and most believe that if we…
Acceptance IS
By Zan Benham It is said that “Peace begins with me!” In fact, it does because every opinion, every perception we have is ours alone. Surely what others think often influences us, and that is My Perception, my way of…
Know that You Don’t Know: Letting Go of the Need to Be Right and In Control
By Dr. Toni LaMotta How do you know what you know in life? What is your criterion for saying something is TRUE? Is it: I heard a teacher say it last week, my mother or father told me when I…