By Joran Slane Oppelt “Everyone can perform magic, everyone can reach his goals, if he is able to think, if he is able to wait, if he is able to fast.” —Hermann Hesse, Siddhartha It wasn’t even my idea. It was…
Removing “The Box”: Learning to Think Like a Child
By Darcey Pollard We all know that “thinking outside the box” means to find another option or solution. At times this can be challenging, whether we are searching for a solution to a new problem at work, moving through a…
5 Keys to Enjoying an Inspired Life
By Dr. Mark Pitstick While sitting at the beach recently, I saw an elderly man walking alone. Moving slowly, he periodically gazed out at the water and sky, and looked very sad. I felt moved to talk with him and, after…
Cooking on Faith: A Culinary Spiritual Awakening
By Rachael J. Avery (This article is an excerpt from the book Transform Your Life! Expert Advice, Practical Tools, and Personal Stories. Read 50+ more inspirational chapters Six years ago I awakened to a personal transformation tool that completely…
Are You Waiting by the Pool of Bethesda?
By Noelle Sterne Maybe you know the story, recounted in the New Testament, John 5: 1-9. At the famous natural pool of Bethesda in Jerusalem, whose waters were believed to heal when they churned, a man crippled for 38 years…
Getting the Whole Story: The Benefits of Holistic Doctors
By Dr. Michael E Rosenbaum, MD Here’s a little secret when it comes to the medical field . . . While conventional doctors can talk to us about drugs and surgery, few are equipped to talk about health and wellness.…
I Can See Clearly Now (Wayne Dyer)
By Dr. Wayne Dyer It’s Christmastime 1941, a few weeks after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. America has been drawn into war; two of my mother’s brothers are serving in the military, one in Europe and the other in the…
Crazy Sexy Kitchen (Kris Carr)
By Kris Carr We’ve all felt the swelling and burning associated with a twisted ankle or scraped knee. Ouch! How about the hard-to-swallow pain that accompanies a sore throat? Moan. That’s inflammation at play, doing its job by defending us…
Power Up Your Subconscious
by Rachael J. Avery On average, the subconscious mind fires 40 nerve impulses per second, representing 95 percent of our daily activity, according to Brain for Success’ Dr. Cynthia Miller, a psychotherapist, consultant, and pioneer in the areas of change,…
Tapping Your Way to Personal Freedom
All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. -Arthur Schopenhauer, German philosopher I looked pretty silly. At least, I thought I did. It was the spring…