Transformation Academy
418 Articles0 Comments

Angel Astrology with Doreen Virtue

Taurus is the sign associated with the planet of love and luxury, as well as pleasure and art: Venus. If Taurus is very strong in your chart (that is, it’s your Sun, Moon, or Rising sign), then Venus is also…

Chasing Fireflies

By Jo Mooy Every New Year we all engage in “the ritual.” As this exciting window of time opens, we re-imagine what we want the year to be and how we plan to change. It doesn’t matter that we did…

Intuition: Your Internal Guidance System

By Lori Marshall and Mark Sanders We all possess an unwavering and reliable guidance system for our life that provides a clear and accurate direction. It’s called intuition and each of us has it. Intuition is generally defined as: a…

Seeing the World with More Than Two Eyes

By Jo Mooy Many refuse to bridge the gap between science and religion. They consider it an either/or scenario, where one or the other defines what we call reality. One belief is concrete and fact-laden, while the other is faith-based…

Become Aware by Watching Your Own Movie

By Frank Kinslow I love to go to the movies. For a couple of hours I become completely engrossed in what is happening on the screen. When I step into that theatre, I leave my everyday life behind. The movie…

A Tale of Two Fathers

By Alan Cohen My coaching client Gregg told me that he was trying to figure out his identity as a husband and father. “I grew up with two fathers,” Gregg explained. “One was my biological father, and the other the…

What’s Age Got to Do With It?

By Noelle Sterne It is never too late to be what you might have been. —George Eliot Can you believe you’re already (gulp) ____ years old? Do you feel it’s too late to do that secret something you’ve always dreamed…

On the Road to Discovery: An Indigo Empath’s Journey of Awakening

By Theodora M. Focht I can remember the day I called my mother and told her I was an Indigo Empath. She asked, “What is that, and can they give you a pill for it.” “No, why would they? I…

Dwell in the Now

By Frank Kinslow Are you one of those people who always pick the slowest line to stand in? I do, every time. In fact, I think all of us choose the slowest line. I have never heard anyone brag about…

Live Responsibly, Invest Responsibly

By Jennifer R. Figurelli I suspect that most, if not all of the readers of Transformation magazine are socially responsible to a large degree. That would include those of us who separate recyclables from our trash, eat organic food when…