Finding Your “Yes” I’m writing this in the spacious stillness of Thanksgiving weekend. My life has been moving at high speed, but over this holiday break an opening appeared. The phone barely rang, and a sense of deep peace naturally…
YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW December is a wonderful time to reflect upon all the seeds we’ve planted the year before. When I look upon 2010, I can see the actions that lead to the landscape of my 2011 garden.…
Hay House, I Can Do It: She Did It
She Did It! When my husband Danny and I met Joeel and Natalie, the editors of our areas wonderful new Transformation Magazine, we had no idea that I had won first-place in their contest in the November 2010 Premier issue.…
Improve Your Life: Optimism
I’m married to an optimist. She can see the bright side in any situation and is consistently hopeful and confident about the future. Moreover, I find her optimism is contagious; I’ve watched it spread through the family whenever she’s around.…
Winter Solstice & Lunar Eclipse
The Seasons of the Year: While most people experience the four seasonal changes of spring, summer, fall and winter, they seldom give a thought to the astronomical, cultural or religious importance of the dates. Yet in ancient times, most civilizations…
Ask a Colon Therapist
Have you ever wanted to learn more about colonics? Do you have questions about your bowel movements, but were too embarrassed to talk with someone about it? We answer all your questions as we have a conversation with licensed Colon…
The Go Givers 5 Principles to Success
One of my favorite principles to success as presented by Bob Burg: The Law of Value Your true worth is determined by how much more you give in value then you take in payment. The Law of Compensation Your income…
Caterpillar to Butterfly (Winner of the I CAN DO IT Contest)
Karen Leonetti’s Story: Did you know that when a very plump caterpillar spins itself delicately into its cozy cocoon, it becomes a liquid before emerging into the most glorious butterfly? I have been raising butterflies for many years with my…