Transformation Academy
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Rising Star Coach August 2023: John Emenecker

John Emenecker, Appleton, Wisconsin The Social Confidence Coach Hi, I’m John. I always felt anxious in my personal life and at work. Dale Carnegie, an anxiety group, and additional research taught me techniques to lower my anxiety in social situations.…

10 Tips to Simplify Your Life

Clearing out the clutter will help you feel more calm, happy and content. By Tracey Ashcraft We are conditioned in our culture to want more. More clothes, more food, more furniture, more gadgets, more money to buy more things….What if…

Decoding the Tao

It is only through developing an inner connection that we will discover that which is behind all things. By Owen Waters Long ago, the first time I read the ancient Tao Te Ching (pronounced “Dow Day Jing”), I ran into…

Talking Healthy to Unhealthy People

How to improve your communications skills in challenging situations. By Lisa Hawkins I’ve had to deal with unhealthy communicators for most of my life. At some point, my brain decided that I must be the problem. While others seemed to…

Rising Star Coach July 2023: Kim Angell

Irresistible Wifey Coach Kim Kim Angell is a Kurdish-Norwegian relationship coach shortly clocking out of his twenties. Relevant to his coaching practice, he was an A student in high school social subjects such as sociology, as well as an A…

Getting Started with Content Marketing.

By Christine Morse Starting a blog is one of the best ways to turn your coaching knowledge into sales. The truth is that you have volumes of information to share as a coach, but it is hard to know where…

Moving Mountains

By Darrel Hammon Mountains in our lives seem to engulf us, cause us to shrink from even starting, lulling us into self-pity and wallowing in our woes to the point of spiraling and stumbling. Surely, we must realize: All that…

Cheering for Others

When we energize and uplift others—and do the same for ourselves—we become leaders and make the world a better place. By Marnie Schneider We all need an advocate to cheer for us! I believe that what makes a true leader…

Rise Up

When we quiet down, the joy of those sacred moments stay with us long after the physical experience has gone. By Mary Boutieller I’m just returning from six days backpacking in the woods—hard to believe that I once did that…

Falling in Love with Your Life

By Emil Nazaryan Turn your attention from the lives of others, and start seeing all those blessings you didn’t know you have. “My friend just bought a new car, and it looks so good! Not like my ancient half-broken one.”…