There’s more to it, of course, get the whole story at Now for the good news: It’s a Power, It’s real, and you can use It. Like It or not, right now BOB looks out through your eyes, feels…
The Way It Is: The Hero Mindset
Previous columns introduced the concept of BOB, the Being Of Bliss—The impersonal Intelligence, Love, and Substance out of which It creates everything. We are expressions of BOB, and It experiences life through each of us with the single operational tenet,…
The Way it Is: How It Works
There’s more to it, of course, get the whole story at The Force we call BOB (Being of Bliss) is exactly that—a Force—a Power, but definitely not a person. Ever so much more, Its composition is Mind, Feeling, and…
The Way It Is: The Game
There’s more to it, of course, get the whole story at Our story so far: The multi-dimensional Force we call BOB (Being of Bliss) fills a room with Its essence: Intelligence, Feeling, and Stuff. To ease the boredom It…
The Way It Is: We Get What We Believe
There’s more to it, of course, get the whole story at It was about to add the dimension of thought to Its heretofore two-dimensional creations of things and creatures and all their relatives. Last month, BOB wondered: “What would…
Winter Solstice & Lunar Eclipse
The Seasons of the Year: While most people experience the four seasonal changes of spring, summer, fall and winter, they seldom give a thought to the astronomical, cultural or religious importance of the dates. Yet in ancient times, most civilizations…
The Way It Is: Introducing BOB
There’s more to it, of course, get the whole story at Last month we talked about Belief Systems (B.S.) and how they work. The rest of these columns will present a new belief system that isn’t really new, but…