By Doreen Virtue and Robert Reeves Practical Intuition Our intuition is an inner voice that speaks with an essence of love. As we connect to that loving energy, we feel supported. We feel relaxed and safe, knowing that everything happening…
The “Scientific Way” to Find Your Spiritual Path
By Gregg Sanderson Science can’t prove (or disprove) a Spiritual teaching. Science is but one facet of the Spiritual Universe, and confined to the space/time continuum. By definition, it can’t consider dimensions that don’t exist on this plane, so we…
Memories of Heaven by Wayne Dyer
By Dr. Wayne W. Dyer I have enjoyed a lifetime love affair with children, particularly newborns, infants, and toddlers. If a baby is in the room, it’s almost as if there is a magnetic connection that draws my attention and…
The Highest Service: Self Love
By Kumari From early childhood I was steeped in the tradition of service, first from a Catholic upbringing and then later from the eastern spiritual traditions of Seva (meaning self-less service). This culture of giving ran the gamut, from helping…
Write Your Own Spiritual Script
By Lisa Cedrone There are as many different ways to experience and define the world around us—our reality—as there are people on planet Earth. That’s a lot of viewpoints! Is one more correct than another, more accurate, more ethical?…
Origins of Life: Smart Cells Get Smarter
By Bruce Lipton It shouldn’t be surprising that cells are so smart. Single-celled organisms were the first life forms on this planet. Fossil evidence reveals they were here within 600 million years after the Earth was first formed. For the…
Celebrating the Biology of Belief: 10 Years Strong by Bruce Lipton, Ph.D.
By Bruce Lipton, Ph.D. “If you could be anybody, who would you be?” I used to spend an inordinate amount of time pondering that question. I was obsessed with the fantasy of changing my identity because I wanted to be…
Dealing with Our Devils
By Marcia Bender Satan, Lucifer, Diablo, Beelzebub, Mephistopheles. There are many different names to describe this despicable entity. Does the mention of these monikers make you feel uncomfortable? Do they conjure up images of a horned demon with cloven hooves,…
Angel of Miracles: How My Special Needs Child Awakened My Soul
By Emily Rivera In life we each have events that line up in synchronicity to create a path to self-awareness and clarity, bringing us closer to understanding our Soul’s purpose. Throughout my life I felt drawn to work with unique…
Journey to Awakening
By Sharon Kistler The greatest experience of human awakening happens the moment we feel our soul surge, moving us to reach higher potentials! I have learned firsthand that we create our own reality, and I believe that we have…