By Jessamine Gibb In self-development and business circles there has been a lot of discussion around how to become a more “positive” person, how to have more extroverted behavior styles, how to be more motivated, what to do about employees…
A Climb to the Top
By Lonny Reardon As a kid in Newfoundland, Canada, I grew up through some very hard times. My dad was an alcoholic, we were poor, and I saw many terrible things that a child should never see. As a result,…
The Grand Social Experiment: Building Community on a Foundation of Equality and Diversity
By Nancy Selig Amsden I was very fortunate to spend my most formative years participating in what is probably the grandest social experiment of all times. In 1969, my family moved to a small, new city called Columbia, Maryland. Unlike…
Failure to Success
By Joeel Rivera I am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward.—Thomas Edison, addressing his thousands of failed attempts at creating a light bulb Somewhere along the line, most of us have learned that failure is…
Personal Numerology for 2018
By Marcia Bender I am going to use Numerology to show you how to look at the personal year vibrations for yourself and loved ones for the coming New Year. Numerology is a combination of the Sciences of Astrology and…
Free Yourself Through Forgiveness
By Joeel A. Rivera, M.Ed. Breaking down the prison and letting the inmate free is one of the best things you can do to truly free yourself and create the life that you want or the relationship that you desire.…
From Stuck to Transformed: a Worldwide Journey of Self-Discovery
By Russell Heath Let me tell you the story of my own stuckness. It starts in Tel Aviv, which, in 1980 when I was there, was a dysenteric’s paradise: It had public restrooms on every other block—the limit of my…
The Science of Happiness (It’s more than an art; it’s a science.)
By Gregg Sanderson “There is no path to happiness: Happiness IS the path.”— Gautama Buddha Peace, love, and happiness are yours for the taking, along with a long, healthy life. Stress kills, suffering is no fun, and misery sucks. It…
Allowing Your FIRE of Happiness
by Terez Hartmann The Fire of HAPPINESS Ah, sweet happiness! When you feel, express, embody, and experience this light and lovely state of being, all most certainly is right with the world. Life has more sparkle. Things that once ruffled…
UNconditional Dreams and Desires
By Natalie Rivera Everything we want is because we believe it will make us feel the way we desire: good, or at least better. Everything. And this is why desire has a bad reputation. Some even believe that desire is…