Healthy Living

Live a healthier by learning about healthy foods, holistic healing, and alternative healing with articles in Transformation Magazine.

The Inspiration of Nature

By Mary Boutieller “After you have exhausted what there is in business, politics, conviviality, love and so on—have found that none of these finally satisfy, or permanently wear—what remains? Nature remains…the trees, fields, the change of seasons, the sun by…

Just Breathe

By Jessi Franz   Remembering to breathe has been my saving grace—and it can be yours, too. These four little words have been my saving grace for many years. Don’t forget to breathe. It sounds so simple right? We breathe…

Focus on Nutrition

By Arielle Giordano When the body is nutritionally satisfied, you experience true hunger—not toxic cravings. When I decided to follow a caloric-based eating plan, I started letting go of foods such as dairy and meats and monitored my calorie intake.…

12 Steps to Health & Happiness, Part 1

By Rena Greenberg At a young age, I got sick, and I don’t mean slightly ill—I was literally facing death. As I desperately clung to life, I set a goal for myself that I have never turned back on: to…

Cooking on Faith

By Rachael J Avery The Story of a Culinary Spiritual Awakening Ten years ago I awakened to a personal transformation tool that completely sculpted my life. In 2008 I was 60 pounds overweight, had a negative bank account, a foreclosure…

What’s Eating You? What’s REALLY Going On Beneath Healthy Eating

By Natalie Rivera   Are We What We Eat? I eat healthy…most of the time. Low sugar, low gluten, low calorie. I try to eat mostly real food, not processed junk. I drink vegetable juice and avoid sugar in beverages.…

Mental Digestion: Your Second Brain and Stress

By Natalie Rivera When experiencing a digestion problem, we often think of food as the culprit. While the quality of our food definitely is a factor in this equation, we usually overlook the true villain—STRESS. Go to a doctor for…

Getting the Whole Story: The Benefits of Holistic Doctors

By Dr. Michael E Rosenbaum, MD Here’s a little secret when it comes to the medical field . . . While conventional doctors can talk to us about drugs and surgery, few are equipped to talk about health and wellness.…

Crazy Sexy Kitchen (Kris Carr)

By Kris Carr We’ve all felt the swelling and burning associated with a twisted ankle or scraped knee. Ouch! How about the hard-to-swallow pain that accompanies a sore throat? Moan. That’s inflammation at play, doing its job by defending us…

How to Overcome Emotional Eating

By Rena Greenberg Are you an emotional eater? Do you use food as a coping mechanism for the challenges you are facing? What if you could resign yourself to the fact that your life contains both miraculous and amazing moments…