
If you are looking for inspiration you will find it here through a number of articles written by authors of Transformation Magazine.

Claim Your True Power

By Leon VanderPol All experiences you desire in the outer world have their origin in your inner world. Today is a new day, a new moment in which to create the experiences you desire to experience. Do you feel far…

A Date with Nature

By Terez Hartmann A Challenge to create and feed consistent clarity, serenity and joy. The Decision—and The Gift I stopped to hear only the whisper of the wind through the trees and faint birdsong in the distance. As I sat…

Fear is the Liar

By Alan Cohen We must cease to live as if we are small, and claim our authentic magnificence. I recently watched a touching documentary, Tea with the Dames, an intimate chat between four legendary British actresses, Judi Dench, Maggie Smith,…

You Deserve to Say No

By Noelle Sterne The more you honor yourself and practice taking your stand for No and what is right for you, the easier it will become. Do you feel you can’t refuse the requests or plans of friends or groups?…

Take Your Life Back!

By Rena Greenberg With conscious awareness and intention you can set a new, more positive course for your life that will create a beautiful future and, at the same time, heal your past. Einstein’s famous definition of insanity is, “Doing…

A Happy Outcome is Assured

By Alan Cohen Because love is our nature and destiny, eventually everything will be healed. Can you imagine being an adopted child reunited with your birth mother after 60 years? My friend Diane signed up for a genealogy research service,…

Falling Up, Part 1: The Gift of Forgiveness

By Dana Liesegang with Natasha Stoynoff A few days before Christmas 2012, I decided that I’d give the gift of forgiveness to another man who’d hurt me: Bruce. I Googled his name like I’d done before to try to find…

Laugh, Cry, Feel and, Most Importantly, Heal

by Tasha Champion My smile is the most authentic it has ever been. The journey to get here wasn’t easy but well worth it. My name is Tasha Champion, I am a Certified Master Life Coach, and here is my…

When Life Hands You a Hurricane

What stood out the most about our journey was the compassion being shared between everyone we encountered. At a gas station off the highway in Georgia, a woman and her family and friends were offering home-cooked food and water to evacuees (see photo).

7 Abiding Tenets to Follow Your Dreams

by Carleen Moscati I was fortunate enough to grow up in a home where I witnessed first-hand that even the most impossible of dreams are attainable. Of course I didn’t realize it at the time, but when it mattered it…