
If you are looking for inspiration you will find it here through a number of articles written by authors of Transformation Magazine.

Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone

By Julie Grauel Imagine being in a foreign country. You don’t know where you are, you don’t speak the language, and you’re not sure what you’re going to do. The only sure thing is that you’re staying there for one…

Allowing Your Success: Effective Time Travel

By Terez Hartmann Your Built-in Time Travel Device Imagine if you had the ability to go to any point in time instantaneously and immediately summon whatever mood or feelings you’d like to experience? While this may sound like an unrealistic…

Who Are You?

By Darlene Coleman About 20 years ago, in my former life, I was working as a loan officer for a financial company. One day, I had a conversation with another woman in my office asking for her opinion about a…

Caregiving the Caregiver: An Honor

By Teresa Morrow Caregiving seems like an easy to understand and straightforward word, right? You are giving care to someone else. When I discovered what it meant to be a caregiver, well, it was much more than I expected. Caregiving…

Life Lessons: Good, Bad, or Just Ugly?

By Rev. Marla Sanderson At breakfast recently, I was thinking about a subject for my next article. A man at the next table stood up, and his t-shirt said “Bad Choices Make Great Stories.” There’s my article … isn’t life…

Mama Drama Trauma: How to Forgive and Stop Living It

By Tammy Taylor “To have a serious illness or injury is difficult enough; seeing it as a punishment or the cruel caprice of fate only makes it harder to bear.”—Caroline Myss, medical intuitive, author, mystic Soul alignment is when the…

The Redeeming Dark

By Elaine Mansfield “From the Great Above she opened her ear to the Great Below.” 1 The descent of the Goddess begins with listening. Inanna, the Listener, is the Great Goddess of Heaven and Earth (~3500 – 2500 BC, Sumeria/Mesopotamia).…

I’ll Love You Unconditionally, as Soon as You Shape Up!

By Gregg Sanderson “I never considered a difference of opinion in politics, in religion, in philosophy, as cause for withdrawing from a friend.”—Thomas Jefferson Jerry died last month. We had been friends since the 1960s. He was at my birthday…

The Presence: A Crash Course in Higher Guidance

By Lisa Cedrone It was a busy afternoon, the Saturday before Thanksgiving. Lost in thought, sitting in the passenger seat of the Jeep, I suddenly felt “The Presence” hovering over my shoulder. It communicated telepathically: “Look up, but don’t panic.”…

UpSpiral: Are You Ready for Something New?

By Rev. Marla Sanderson   “There is a Power for good in the universe and we can use It.” —Ernest Holmes   Call me weird, but I love change! If things stay the same for too long, I just have…