
If you are looking for inspiration you will find it here through a number of articles written by authors of Transformation Magazine.

Finding Joy in Service to Others

By Rev. Spencer Rouse Giving service to others is a widely misunderstood concept. Service is not just an act; it is a reflection of who we are. We give service to others for a variety of reasons, but it is…

Life as a Religious Mutt

By Natalie Amsden Rivera While growing up, my holiday home had halls decked with holly, a menorah in the window, and a “Chanamus” tree. I come from a multiracial, religiously diverse family. My mom’s family is Jewish and my dad’s…

Allowing Your Success: When a Side Road Becomes a Destination

By Terez Hartmann   Why seeking fun NOW can lead to WOW! The dance begins…I have known myself for a very long time—as a matter of fact, I would dare say for all my whole life. Yet it is amazing…

Allowing Your Success: The Road to Possibilities

By Terez Hartmann Opening the Gate—a True Story My hubby and I had driven the same road multiple times and had seen a sign for a fun-sounding Irish pub in a golf community that was “open to the public.” Previously,…

Live Your Spark!

By Sarah A. Sparks When was the last time you looked into the mirror and saw a woman you admire, love, and adore staring back at you? If it’s been awhile, you’re not alone. So many sharp, successful, dedicated women…

Conscious Aging: Being Content with What Is

By Dr. Toni LaMotta Our world is obsessed with youth and beauty. We are bombarded daily with ANTI-aging techniques and products. No wonder so many people fear growing older. Frankly, I’d rather not be ANTI anything but be FOR Aging…in…

Allowing Your Success with Sci-fi Wisdom

By Terez Hartmann Reel Life: Imitating Art, Imitating Life Truth in Reel Life? I have a confession to make. Many of you have seen me as this ultra-cool chic (Oh wait that’s me, but any way…), but it’s time for…

5 Keys to Enjoying an Inspired Life

By Dr. Mark Pitstick While sitting at the beach recently, I saw an elderly man walking alone. Moving slowly, he periodically gazed out at the water and sky, and looked very sad. I felt moved to talk with him and, after…

Find Your Inspiration

By Kathy “Katica” Rivera Wallace “What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you.”  -Ralph Walden Emerson Can you recall the euphoria you experienced the last time you felt…

Allowing Your Success with the ABSOLUTELY Factor

By Terez Hartmann By saying “no” to “so-so” you say “YES!” to ALLOWING Your Success! Have you ever noticed that when you make a decision that feels SO “on the money” and—when there isn’t even one iota of doubt—that fabulosity…