
If you are looking for inspiration you will find it here through a number of articles written by authors of Transformation Magazine.

A Skeptic’s Perspective on the Law of Attraction

By Joeel A. Rivera, M.Ed. If you are reading this article you probably have heard about the Law of Attraction, which states that you can attract things into your life based on what you think about. When I first became…

One Desire, One Joy

By Natalie Amsden There is only one true desire. All of our longings, goals, and motivations are reaching toward a single fulfillment. The ultimate pot of gold that we long to reach at the end of our infinitude of rainbows…

Ask and You Shall Create

By Natalie Amsden What is the difference between you and Joe, a homeless man on a bench who asks for change? Are you more blessed because you are a better person? No. Just because someone lives on the streets doesn’t…

I Wish I Could Give You the Moon

By Alan Cohen A Zen story tells of a man who came home one evening and found a thief tossing his possessions into a sack. In Zen fashion, the homeowner decided to just sit outside the door and meditate. At…