
If you are looking for inspiration you will find it here through a number of articles written by authors of Transformation Magazine.

Unshakeable Belief

You can make it if you believe you can make it! By Anthony Talmage There is an indispensable tool for anyone seeking to achieve their objectives. Those who haven’t got it are doomed to eternal frustration and failure. Whether you…

Letting Go Of Grudges

Make forgiveness a way of life, and you will experience a transformation far beyond your imagination. By Emil Nazaryan If you were to describe in one sentence our most basic and profound desire in life, what would you say it…

A Lawn Chair in the Cemetery

An ode honoring those who are gone but not forgotten. By Jo Mooy I used to hold a “spiritual sophistication” about death. When a person, a pet, a tree or plant died, that sophistication kicked in whispering, they’re gone. It’s…

Do Dogs Hold the Secret to Our Hearts?

My goal in life is to be as good a person as my dog already thinks I am.—Anonymous By Linda Commito Have you noticed that dogs have been filling a void in our lives—and in our hearts? At a time…

When the Goal Isn’t the Finish Line

When we reach a point in our lives when we know that we are already more than half past our time allotment on this planet, there is a different awareness. By Linda Commito I’ve never been accused of being an…

Exploring the River of Life

Lessons learned on a rafting adventure. By Mary Boutieller On a recent five-day rafting trip in Idaho, I had a number of ah-ha moments—about fear, about perspective, about life—and I thought I would share some of those thoughts with you.…

An Impossible Dream?

It’s time to stand and fearlessly fight the fear and anxiety that clutter our minds. By Jo Mooy Several months ago I saw an extraordinary production of “Man of La Mancha.” I’ve seen it on and off Broadway, but this…

10 Tips to Simplify Your Life

Clearing out the clutter will help you feel more calm, happy and content. By Tracey Ashcraft We are conditioned in our culture to want more. More clothes, more food, more furniture, more gadgets, more money to buy more things….What if…

Decoding the Tao

It is only through developing an inner connection that we will discover that which is behind all things. By Owen Waters Long ago, the first time I read the ancient Tao Te Ching (pronounced “Dow Day Jing”), I ran into…

Talking Healthy to Unhealthy People

How to improve your communications skills in challenging situations. By Lisa Hawkins I’ve had to deal with unhealthy communicators for most of my life. At some point, my brain decided that I must be the problem. While others seemed to…