
If you are looking for inspiration you will find it here through a number of articles written by authors of Transformation Magazine.

Moving Beyond Worry

By Mary Boutieller The key to finding joy and contentment is to be mindful without obsessing over the what-if’s. “Watch out for snakes!” said the woman as she passed by us on a beautiful, blue sky morning. She didn’t provide…

Get Off the Carousel

By Linda Commito “Most humans are never fully present in the now, because unconsciously they believe that the next moment must be more important than this one. But then you miss your whole life, which is never not now.”—Eckhart Tölle…

Body Language Tips For Leaders

By Stéphane Narcis How to use nonverbal cues to make the right impression on others. One may think that the most critical aspect of being a leader is communicating effectively. However, most people miss that it’s not just words that…

One Day at a Time

By Mary Boutieller When we pause from our daily lives, we can find some joy amid the chaos. Sometimes, when we’ve experienced enough grief, pain or discord in our lives, and we feel as though our hearts might break if…

Thought Speed

By Owen Waters Understanding the speed of thought in free space. Old ideas give way to new ones. Old barriers, sooner or later, crumble and fade away. One idea that is crumbling today is that nothing in the universe can…

Fresh Eyes on Life!

By Linda Commito Maybe we all need to explore and play more. Don’t you love seeing babies of any species? They are so innocent, so inquisitive, so playful, so open to exploring, and totally excited at new discoveries. Why can’t…

The Unbreakable You

By Emil Nazaryan Everyone needs to be reminded of their true self. Have you heard people say that everyone needs uplifting at some point and time? The idea behind this statement is clear: We all feel down every once in…

Believe in Yourself

By Mary Boutieller We are beautifully and imperfectly ourselves and, yes, we dance to our own rhythm. Sometimes all it takes is a change of scenery to help you notice things in a different way. Sometimes, that means traveling to…

Growing Forward with The Seeds of an Extraordinary Life

By Terez Hartmann What if getting to witness a life—with all of its peaks and valleys—is the ultimate LIFE coaching opportunity? The Ineffable Seed We all contain an ever-renewing seed of the Divine (a.k.a. clarity, light, and love), so it…

Passing Time

By Linda Commito Make every moment count by living it fully. Listening to Paul Simon’s song “Slip Sliding Away” deeply resonates with an awareness of all that is passing by too quickly in my life. It has been especially poignant…