By Joeel A. Rivera, M.Ed. So, let’s play a game—it’s called hide and go seek. Maybe you played it as a child, but as adults we all tend to play a different version of it. You see, we are all…
Tips and Tools
Practical Tips and tools to help you in your spiritual and personal growth journey.
Become Aware by Watching Your Own Movie
By Frank Kinslow I love to go to the movies. For a couple of hours I become completely engrossed in what is happening on the screen. When I step into that theatre, I leave my everyday life behind. The movie…
“The Now” vs. The Law of Attraction
By Natalie Amsden Eckhart Tolle, one of my favorite teachers, tells us that freedom from suffering and access to our dreams are available only in the “Now”. In fact, he postulates that this Now moment is, in fact, all that…
Out Your ego: ego STALLS, Spirit MOVES FORWARD
I gave myself a due date to complete this book. I reasoned if I could do one card a day, I’d meet my goal. Today, I headed to Starbucks to write my one piece. Two hours later, after puttering on…
Harness Attention Through Meditation
I recently read an article about Max Planck, who won a Nobel Prize for his work with atoms. After years of study and research, Planck eventually said that he could only know one thing—that some invisible force holds together energy…
Joy vs. Suffering: Relinquish expectations and find your joy!
The motivation for all that we do comes down to wanting only one thing: JOY! All of our choices and actions are either moving toward joy or away from suffering. It’s hard to feel joy when you’re suffering and hard…
Making the Shift
There are many great books, teachers, advisors, leaders, advocates, etc. that have brought our awareness to the changes that will improve our way of life as a whole. What ever the change, or changes, may be or how they are…