Rising Star Coach January 2025: Sara Bisulli
Sara Bisulli Ravenna, Italy https://www.facebook.com/sarabisu/ www.linkedin.com/in/sarabisulli Illuminate Your Essence with Purpose and Clarity I am an entrepreneur and coach passionate about guiding individuals toward reconnecting with their authentic selves. I support individuals…

Overcome Self-Limiting Beliefs
By Emil Nazaryan Your origin is divine and therefore so are you; all else is…
YouTube Channel Highlights
Reinventing Myself Through Compassion
By Debra Loran A man went to the mountain tops in Tibet to ask the wisest monk his deepest questions about life. He arrived and found the One he wished to ask and posed his sincere question: “What is the…
The Science of Intuition by Doreen Virtue
By Doreen Virtue and Robert Reeves Practical Intuition Our intuition is an inner voice that speaks with an essence of love. As we connect to that loving energy, we feel supported. We feel relaxed and safe, knowing that everything happening…
The “Scientific Way” to Find Your Spiritual Path
By Gregg Sanderson Science can’t prove (or disprove) a Spiritual teaching. Science is but one facet of the Spiritual Universe, and confined to the space/time continuum. By definition, it can’t consider dimensions that don’t exist on this plane, so we…
Healing My Family Tree
By Colleen Jais In my mind’s eye, I see a tree. I close my eyes and let the image form, give myself over to the shape and colors and beauty of this tree. Its colors are lush and exotic; red,…
What Rings Your Bell? Lessons from Quasimodo
By Gregg Sanderson “The ways and means are available to me…The only question to be asked then is: ‘How much discomfort am I willing to sit with before I invite the answer to be revealed?’” —Dale Jukes What single factor…
What’s Eating You? What’s REALLY Going On Beneath Healthy Eating
By Natalie Rivera Are We What We Eat? I eat healthy…most of the time. Low sugar, low gluten, low calorie. I try to eat mostly real food, not processed junk. I drink vegetable juice and avoid sugar in beverages.…
The Power of Intention
By Elliott Eli Jackson What is Intention? Let’s look at the word (a determination to act in a certain way, to design, or an objective). It is further stated that intention is everything in regard to acquiring a desired outcome.…