Rising Star Coach January 2025: Sara Bisulli
Sara Bisulli Ravenna, Italy https://www.facebook.com/sarabisu/ www.linkedin.com/in/sarabisulli Illuminate Your Essence with Purpose and Clarity I am an entrepreneur and coach passionate about guiding individuals toward reconnecting with their authentic selves. I support individuals…

Overcome Self-Limiting Beliefs
By Emil Nazaryan Your origin is divine and therefore so are you; all else is…
YouTube Channel Highlights
How to Set Your Vibration to Happy
by Kumari A few years ago, I had a huge “aha” moment. My husband had been coming home each night completely exhausted, and I found myself living for the weekends when we might have some “normal” time together. Growing up…
Change Agents for a New World
Gregg Braden offers words of wisdom about the cycles of humanity and our spiritual evolution. By Lisa Cedrone Sometimes it’s hard to make sense of our world today. From terrorist attacks to police shootings…from natural disasters to man-made environmental catastrophes…from…
Personal Numerology for 2018
By Marcia Bender I am going to use Numerology to show you how to look at the personal year vibrations for yourself and loved ones for the coming New Year. Numerology is a combination of the Sciences of Astrology and…
Why New Year’s Resolutions Don’t Work
By Natalie Rivera Here we go again… another New Year’s Resolution. Haven’t we learned by now that a declaration to change because another year ticks on the calendar is an ineffective form of commitment? The excitement and hope that surrounds…
Falling Up Part 2: We Can Make Change Happen
By Dana Liesegang with Natasha Stoynoff I was at a dinner party with a bunch of friends not long ago when the subject of rape in the military came up. “It doesn’t happen,” said one guest, a National Guardsman, who…
The Natural Rhythm of the Universe
By Marylois R. Schott Connecting in peace and oneness as the cycle of life ends. It is my passionate lifework to assist those who are transitioning from this world. I hold a position of peace for them, a space that…
Finding Home
By Jo Mooy The statistics say 244 million fled their homeland last year—and all were searching for something much bigger than a physical dwelling. What’s a home? It’s a physical address with a number nailed on the front wall. It’s…