Rising Star Coach January 2025: Sara Bisulli
Sara Bisulli Ravenna, Italy https://www.facebook.com/sarabisu/ www.linkedin.com/in/sarabisulli Illuminate Your Essence with Purpose and Clarity I am an entrepreneur and coach passionate about guiding individuals toward reconnecting with their authentic selves. I support individuals…

Overcome Self-Limiting Beliefs
By Emil Nazaryan Your origin is divine and therefore so are you; all else is…
YouTube Channel Highlights
Transform with the Power of Adventure
By Terez Hartmann The Journey Really is The Destination! All the preparations have been made—cast off the bowlines and sail away… Isn’t it amazing to see how well we live and how great we feel when we align with the…
Finding Purpose in Death
By Joeel Rivera The pain and hurt in life are not there to hold you back; they are there to inspire your greatness. We all have loved ones that come into our lives to help us grow, and sometimes when…
From Stuck To Transformed: A Worldwide Journey of Self-Discovery
By Russell Heath Let me tell you the story of my own stuckness. It starts in Tel Aviv, which, in 1980 when I was there, was a dysenteric’s paradise: It had public restrooms on every other block—the limit of my…
Cooking on Faith
By Rachael J Avery The Story of a Culinary Spiritual Awakening Ten years ago I awakened to a personal transformation tool that completely sculpted my life. In 2008 I was 60 pounds overweight, had a negative bank account, a foreclosure…
Transformation Coaching Magazine’s 100th Issue! Plus, celebrating our NEW logo and FREE COURSES!
The Transformation Team is excited to be celebrating that the February 2019 issue is our 100th issue! Yes, you read that right! This is the 100th time the Transformation Team has collaborated to bring you high-quality, real-life inspirational content without…
The Ripple Effect
By Mary Boutieller How we think, feel, speak, or act in one situation ripples into other areas of our lives. The invitation here is to be present. What a beautiful time of year! As cold winter months come to an…
Give From the Heart
By Linda Commito “You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.”– Kahlil Gibran Gratitude is an attitude of loving acknowledgement that comes directly from the heart, a…