Rising Star Coach January 2025: Sara Bisulli
Sara Bisulli Ravenna, Italy https://www.facebook.com/sarabisu/ www.linkedin.com/in/sarabisulli Illuminate Your Essence with Purpose and Clarity I am an entrepreneur and coach passionate about guiding individuals toward reconnecting with their authentic selves. I support individuals…

Overcome Self-Limiting Beliefs
By Emil Nazaryan Your origin is divine and therefore so are you; all else is…
YouTube Channel Highlights
Focus on Nutrition
By Arielle Giordano When the body is nutritionally satisfied, you experience true hunger—not toxic cravings. When I decided to follow a caloric-based eating plan, I started letting go of foods such as dairy and meats and monitored my calorie intake.…
Find Your Way
By Gregg Sanderson There’s Angels and Masters and Dear late Aunt Tillie. All of this psychic stuff might sound pretty silly. Still we know that there’s something, we cannot deny it. But we’ll never know what, unless we just try…
Just Breathe
By Jessi Franz Remembering to breathe has been my saving grace—and it can be yours, too. These four little words have been my saving grace for many years. Don’t forget to breathe. It sounds so simple right? We breathe…
You Are Not A Petunia
By Gregg Sandsn Bloom where you are planted. Baloney. It makes sense if you are a flower, or a tree or a corpse. Somebody else plants you. But you’re a person. You can plant yourself anywhere you please. That’s just…
Go Within
By Mark Pitstick, MA, DC Listening to your intuitive knowing is one of the most powerful paradigm shifts you can make. One key to heightened awareness is getting in touch with your innate intelligence. Since you are one with the…
The Inspiration of Nature
By Mary Boutieller “After you have exhausted what there is in business, politics, conviviality, love and so on—have found that none of these finally satisfy, or permanently wear—what remains? Nature remains…the trees, fields, the change of seasons, the sun by…
Let’s be Kind to Our Planet
By Linda Commito “The greatest threat to our planet is believing that someone else will save it.”—Robert Swan One of my earliest childhood memories was standing at the window of our 3rd floor New England apartment with my parents, brother…