By Joeel A. Rivera Mi Cielo (My Heaven), I have heard many times the phrases “there are no words to truly explain how I feel” or that a person is someone’s “other half”. However, I always perceived them through society’s…
Want to Be Depressed? Win the Lottery
By Joeel A. Rivera, M.Ed. Abundance terminology is now popular in many circles, regardless of a person’s spiritual belief system. However, we all have slightly different definitions. The most important question is, “What does abundance mean to you?” Does it…
Money is the Root of All Awesomeness!
By Natalie Amsden In the United States, everyone grows up hearing “money is the root of all evil,” and at an unconscious level most people actually believe it. This is evident based on the general consensus that any heart-centered field…
Awakening: Give Your Pain a Purpose
By Natalie Amsden We all have pain. It’s inevitable. It’s part of life. But, the first thing I want to get clear is that there’s a difference between pain and suffering. Pain happens when your life circumstances do not match…
The Way It Is: How to Stay Poor
Thoughts become things, and we use the analogy of BOB playing Whack-a-Mole with our thoughts. A thought pops up and BOB whacks it with “YES.” That’s how the Universe works. BOB is the Force. It is an infinite intelligent power—a…